"More" Sophisticated Audio and Acoustics Stuff

Thanks for having visited these pages as well. I hope to be able to expand the downloadable stuff on these pages as soon as possible, hence it might be worth checking every now and then if something has been added.

So far, only a couple of files have been made available for download. These are:

- Crossovers Part I
- Crossovers Part II
- Crossovers Part III
- Crossovers Part IV
- Calculating Small Signal Parameters
- Room Acoustics Part I
- Room Acoustics Part II

I hope to expand this. If you have got some interesting articles about anything which has to do with audio and acoustics, and of course want to "publish" it, please let me know by emailing me asap.

So far so good, have fun with these articles, and see you soon on here !

(Use your browser's "Back" button - I was too lazy to integrate one here...)